What Do I Need To Know?
Do you take payment plans?
YES! Right now we offer ShopPay (which has Pay in 4 and monthly payment options); PayPal (which has pay in 4; pay monthly; and PayPal Credit) and After Pay!
Do I HAVE to book a consult?
NOPE! A consult is mainly for businesses or individuals who want help making some decisions; to see if we're compatible; or even what I can put together to show during the consult. I've found it's mostly helpful for those who are interested in complete site builds, site overhauls, website administration and/or email marketing.
Any fees I should know about?
Themes have a one time fee. Some apps, okay most, have monthly fees. Email and text marketing providers such as Klaviyo, MailChimp, Omnisend, or your preferred provider typically have monthly fees based on your list size. In addition, you’re also responsible for your own payment processing fees.
How do you get what I want you to use?
Mostly Google Drive; but if you do not have a Google account - Dropbox; an email link to a shared album works too!
What happens if I want to make changes to your design?
You can absolutely ask for changes; let us know if you see a mistake or even something you don’t like on custom content.
How long does it take?
This varies from product to service, but specified in each description.
Did I miss something you’re curious about?
Shoot me an email: info@kocreativeagency.com or set up a FREE consultation!